Greetings All and Welcome to the Official EnduraMark® Ink Blog!
This blog will serve as a platform to discuss the subject of renewability as well as processes and related products (not just our own). In addition, we, the creators of EnduraMark® Ink will give you, the readers, an inner glimpse into our creative process that led to our popular product, The EnduraMark® Renewable Dry Erase Marker. We’ll go all the way back to the original inspiration and the objective steps we had to take thereafter to fully manifest what was once just an idea into a physical product that you can actually see and touch. Many people have minimized this accomplishment in terms of a statement I myself have heard many times “Well, it’s just a marker..” However, we are going to take a deep dive into not only what it takes to make an idea into reality, but also, how much in terms of time, effort, money, and other resources really goes into products that are only designed for a single use. Our purpose in this blog is to be informative, engaging, and hopefully inspiring in the sense that we broaden your horizons on many products we all commercially use that could benefit from a reimagining order to be more reliable, useful, perform better, and most of all leave less of a carbon footprint on our world.
We plan on putting up new content weekly. Be prepared to look at products in a new way. Stay tuned and enjoy..